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July 11, 2016
   Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 11, 2016 – 4 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Mtg. Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss and Edith Morgan present along with T.A. Nina Nazarian--Jon Fudeman absent. In the following actions, all BOS votes were preceded by a motion from Edith M. and second by Stan M. unless noted otherwise.

4:33 PM   Stan opened meeting and group discussed setting a date for a STM vote on funding for the broadband project. Because moderator and special counsel were unavailable, September 20th was ruled out. All agreed to wait for next BOS meeting on July 25 to set a date, while availability became clear.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to award a bid for dead tree removal to Princeton Tree Service, with a low bid of $12,500 and authorize the T.A. to sign the contract. They discussed options for the town’s insurance, earthquakes and terrorism, and Nina N. reported on the agent's information. As insuring for terrorism was impractical, selectmen agreed with the extra $669 already available in the budget for earthquake insurance, with a deductible of $25,000.
        A baseline Documentation Report and Land Management Plan was presented, for the conservation land at Fieldstone Farm which the town will own. This is a requirement of the LAND grant. Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the plan.
        A short list of remaining appointments was considered and selectmen voted all in favor to approve appointment of Bruce Dunn as electrical inspector through 6/30/17; Police officer Mike Traficanti for a 3-year term through 6/30/19; and, William Eicholzer on Wachusett Mtn. Advisory Council to 6/30/17. The group decided on meeting at 9 AM on July 28--location TBD--to brainstorm for the selectmen's goals-setting retreat at Harrington Farm on August 11--will check with Jon F. about a time, but aiming for 4 PM.   
4:50 PM  Selectmen considered notice from CMRPC asking for alternate representative to be appointed, and they voted all in favor to re-appoint Richard Bisk from the Planning Board contingent on his agreeing to it.
        Nina distributed an agenda for a BOS meeting on Thursday at 7 PM to address a facilities long-term plan for building upgrades that should identify cumulative costs for all buildings involved. Edith brought up the pressing issue of Bagg Hall and several similar studies done over the years. She fears more studies with no action. Nina N. noted that she is just describing options and presenting facts and figures and pointed out that everything that is done, studies, actions, whatever, is all the selectmen's decision.
5 PM  A report from Mary Barroll indicated the fire safety obstacle course went well at the library and Stan read a letter of thanks from her to the fire department.
        Selectmen received a copy of a memorandum from the Town Administrator which extended vacation time into the next fiscal year for the Highway Superintendent and the Town Clerk. It was announced that the Senior Center was hosting a luncheon social in the Princeton Center gym on July 13 at noon.
5:07: PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to accept minutes from June 27 as written and they signed warrants
5:15 PM All in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:       baseline Documentation Report and Land Management Plan for Fieldstone Farm; list of appointments; notice from CMRPC

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department